High Level Vision and Goals
Initial Motivation
The initial motivation for Rob to create this NFT project is his dream to have his Chonky Chkn artworks live on the blockchain, forever etched in history.
He fully believes in the ability for NFTs to serve as the bridge between traditional physical art and digital art, bringing the once unattainable property of uniqueness into the digital space. He believes that NFTs have brought about a new period in art history where artists everywhere are now empowered with the tools needed to preserve their artistic creations for generations to come.
Our Vision
After watching the growth of many NFT communities, we’ve come to realize that NFTs are about much more than just the art. Successful projects have been able to offer vibrant communities that users want to join with many forms of utility such as merch, games, comic books, etc.
Given both of our developer backgrounds as well as Rob’s talent and passion in art, we believe that we’re uniquely positioned to take on the role of integrating art and NFT utility together. We have been building out our smart contract with elements from future phases in mind already.
Our vision is to build out a strong community that both enjoys and engages with the utility and future plans our NFT provides. These include things like building out Lore that members can contribute to, providing opportunities for members to themselves fuel the value of their NFT through increasing its Chonkiness score, allowing members to make close friendships through various sub-communities (squads), and creating a fun mobile game.
We want to establish a community of Chonky Chkn enthusiasts within the nascent metaverse. Come join us!
Project Goals
In chronological order:
Build a strong, organic, engaged community
Create a successful launch
Maintain a vibrant market for Chonky Chkns
Execute on roadmap items
Spread the Chonk to as many people as possible!
Project Non-Goals
There are no current plans to create a DAO. Within the first four phases, we want to focus on building and fulfilling the goals of each phase. DAOs are nice in principle, but they can cause inefficiencies and are sometimes overkill when a discord poll is enough. We will be listening to the community and getting feedback through discord though. With that being said, this could change in the future :)
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